Saturday, March 8, 2008

With 20 hours to go, a little pampering

Advertising co-chairwoman Vanessa Lee gives a foot massage on the third floor of Norris during the third block. Dancers peeled off their socks and shoes and lay on the floor for a few minutes while the committee members rubbed their feet.

As Dance Marathon approaches the 10-hour mark, stations have been set up around Norris to give foot massages to the dancers.

George Gianakakos, a School of Communication sophomore on DM's dancer relations committee, said there are three components to a good foot massage: hand sanitizer, baby lotion, and baby powder. As for the actual massage, Gianakakos said it involves "kneading it and rubbing it and being really rough.”

Elizabeth Green, a Weinberg sophomore, was working on giving foot massages as well. She said she thinks she’s given over 30 foot massages, each only one minute long.

Phillip Swarts/The Daily Northwestern

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